Friday, May 05, 2023

Getting Wine & Dessert Together

The man and I had been busy and did loads of meals at home; either light takeout bento or easy food with pasta or rice prepped at home. With a few canceled calls in the night (that require a laptop and a quiet room), we randomly decided to go to D.O.P for dinner. 

It was such fun to spontaneously bump into V and her visiting friends who were also having dinner at the same restaurant. Heh! We didn't join their table since we had two short calls and a few emails to clear. Needed to sit aside to do that. We said hi and adjourned. 

The lobster linguine was back on the menu, so I pounced on it. The man didn't mind that as well. That portion could be easily split into two plates as a main. I took most of the pasta since the man wasn't doing much carbs. I had a pasta craving anyway. Heh. The man had fried sardines as a starter, so those fulfilled most of his protein needs. 

I didn't intend to have too much alcohol, but since V was there, I thought to just get a bottle of red, and have a glass for her, and to pour more if she wished. I'd still get to have my two glasses. By the time dessert came around, we had finished our 'things to clear' on the phone. Took the dessert plate of profiteroles and cannoli, and pulled chairs over to V's table for a chat and another glass of wine before calling it a night.

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