Friday, June 09, 2023

Esplanade Flipside :: 'Famous Death Puppet Scenes'

Realized that Esplanade's Flipside was presenting 'Famous Death Puppet Scenes' by The Old Trout Puppet Workshop (Canada). It's theatrical puppetry and the man wanted to watch it. Never mind the macabre content (which I love), I was like, bloody hell. Puppets are as creepy as dolls. The 70-minute show actually stated this brilliant warning:

The show contains stage fog, strobe lighting, abrupt noises, unnecessary cruelty to inanimate objects, and hot, hot puppet nudity. Not recommended for the emotionally fragile. Please weep uncontrollably only into the buckets provided. Only darkness awaits.

The show was thoroughly delightful! There was a host, and there little vignettes in between. The little stories remind me of how fairy tales ought to be. Grim. Hahaha. The stories might or might not be linked to one another, but they were soooo fun. Three brilliant puppeteers and their crew were in town for the show. The puppeteers were Aya Nakamura, Louisa Ashton and Teele Uustani. And I think there's a Mitchell Craib. For a S$33 ticket, the set-up was elaborate and definitely worth it. 

At the end of the show, the audience were invited to step forward to have a look at the puppets and the set, and speak with the puppeteers and crew. Of course I went forward to peek at the puppets. As creepy as they are, they're slightly less horrifying than porcelain dolls, to me.

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