Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Pink Dot 15! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

This year a bunch of us gave Pink Dot 15 at Hong Lim Park a miss. It's very hot ah, we cannot make it. We're outdoors so often with our dogs. We're melting every day. Instead, we gathered, got decked out in all hues of pink and had our little Pink Dot party at Humpback. In the earlier years, it was about the numbers, and we made sure to attend. Now, it's a different movement. 

Themed 'A Singapore for All Families' for Pink Dot 15 in 2023, we need to truly practice the inclusivity that repealing Section 377A has paved the way to begin in earnest. FAMILY. The word and its associated meanings to me, are a double-edged sword. *sigh

It's not the easiest choice to birth and raise children for even heterosexual couples. If you ask me, not all heterosexual couples are qualified to raise their children either. Humans are evil. Who's to say the LGBTQIA community aren't qualified to raise kids? It's equally as tough for them, if not tougher, in the face of social criticism. If LGBTQIA couples would like to take on this mammoth task and contribute to the national TFR, surely our government could tweak some laws to support them the way they support single mothers? Who are you to say that one family is dysfunctional over another? 

Even if we don't believe in the institution of a monogamous marriage (even in its classic definition), we believe in the sanctity of a long-term committed relationship and the fulfilment of responsibilities as a dedicated partner. If our own morals and ethics require legal and religious policing to build a 'relationship' and family unit, then we aren't very nice humans, are we? 

This is a discussion for us at this table. Well, this table doesn't need to be at Humpback tonight. This table can be anywhere, and the humans can shift and slot in. But this table at Humpback tonight is a space space. It's not the most pleasant of conversations to have, be it on a political or religious premise, much less on the legal aspect. It's not a conversation I want to have if these aren't good friends. I also don't need extreme opinions or echo chambers. And this is a conversation we need to continue having so that we can decide for ourselves how we want to grow civil society and how we want this city to be shaped for our younglings. 

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