Friday, July 21, 2023

A Soothing Foot Rub

I had two feet massages in Bangkok, and those were soothing. I don't often bother with feet rubs in Singapore because I can't find the time! I'd rather give that time slot to something else. That day, after dropping off the Smol Girl at the grooming salon, I went to get a foot massage nearby at Thomson Plaza. 

I'm low-keyed stressed from meeting work deadlines and dealing with a leak in the bedroom. It's not a leak I can control. That leak comes from the side wall, which is a metal frame adjoining a sealed glass panel. It's coming through the joint in the metal, and I'm pretty sure it comes in from water pooling in the external metal cladding. There's nothing I could do about it till the estate developer and their contractors come in to fix it next week, when these rains stop. 

Meanwhile, I can't be monitoring the leak 24/7. That's madness. All I could do is to stem the leak is a temporary fix of silicone sealant (easily removed when the crew comes in for rectifications), pile sponges and cloths and hope for the best. The rains have been dreadful. They've gone on for four days! What a Sumatra squall! We're in Southwest monsoon season after all.

The foot rub helped loads. The dude didn't use that much strength because I requested for him to go easy. It eased out the tension in the body. Foot massages tend to make me fall asleep rather early and the sleep is deep. Bedtime tonight would be at 10pm then. Of course it was still raining when I picked up Smol Girl. But she had to pee, so she was super quick about it at the corner grass patch. Whewww. Then we went home to hide away from this dreary weather.  

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