Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Kub Kao Kub Pla :: กับข้าว'กับปลา

This trip would hold many small meals. Breakfast, two lunches and a dinner and a supper. We would have like, an early small lunch at 11am before another lunch at 2.30pm. It's madness. Today we popped into an outlet of Kub Kao Kub Pla at 11am. 

The friends trolled me. They asked if I knew what the name of the restaurant meant. They didn't pronounce it for me, and the signage was in English. I was like, how would I know?!! What is 'Kub'?! English phonetics to do Thai don't quite cut it for me. Everyone spells words differently. Then I read the Thai name. Oh. กับข้าว'กับปลา 'With rice / With fish'. A restaurant that offers dishes to eat with rice, i.e, a family-style communal dining vibe. Okaaaayyy. I have never spelt it as 'kub' in English; I spell it as 'kap', so there.

Since this is Lunch #1, we took it easy. Four of us shared easy dishes. Pomelo salad with spicy shrimp (yum som O ยำส้มโอ) and stir-fried cabbage in fish sauceHad a mini version of khanom chin (ขนมจีน)fermented rice vermicelli with green chicken curry. Sharing these mains make the food more digestible! Four people shared one portion of steamed white rice. Ooof. 

We got to dessert. This restaurant is part of the iBerry dessert chain, so the dessert menu is supplied by iBerry. There was a bowl of dried sweet lotus roots and dates and longan thing that was kinda like cheng tng, and a sorbet of in-season santol (wild mangosteen). I wasn't so keen on it and didn't bother about the names of the desserts I took a bite of. Dessert made the other three diners really pleased.

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