Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Sorting Out Ryo's Food At Home

Ryo is lean, and weighing in at 15kg, he's a tad underweight for his frame and bone density. He should be at 17kg. For his weight, his ideal food intake should be 300-450 grams a day. He's not hitting it. He's fussy about food and has terrible eating habits. Each time he stays over, he doesn't want to eat more than a meal a day. If he does eat that one meal, it's a 10pm or even 11pm. Grrrrr. 

Ryo is on a diet of cooked and air dried stuff (mostly from Iti; it's beef or venison). It isn't completely balanced, but I understand how frustrating it can be for his caregivers to ensure that the fussy dog eats. He can't do eggs, chicken or turkey; the other proteins are okay. Here, I have loads of options for him in the freezer. Oof! I'll sort out cooked beef meatballs with bok choy and sweet potato, as well as sear some lean beef for him. I also melt in frozen cubes of pork or beef bone broth to whet his appetite. The broth makes the bowl smell sooooo tantalizing.

In my kitchen, I feed floofs twice a day. To me, ideally Ryo eats at noon-ish and then at 9.30pm-ish. If he doesn't eat, he starves...... till the next meal-time. Choya will clean up his bowl. Hahahaha. Smol Girl is sooooo competitive when it comes to food at home. I don't feed Ryo and Choya together at the same time. If that sounds troublesome, it's my choice. I need to ease him into our meal times or at the very least, make him eat when he's offered instead of walking away. Shibes can be stubborn like this. It'll take a while before Ryo gets it. They eat separately. Choya will eat first, then about 30 minutes after, I'll close the gate to feed Ryo his bowl.  

This round of his staycation with us, he has wisened up rather quickly. Heh! He's amenable to eating at 3pm and at 10/10.30pm. The first night he was here, to my surprise, when I fed him at 9.30pm, he lapped it up and asked for seconds! I only gave him 100g in that bowl, so I was pleased to feed him a second 100-g bowl. Hurrah! He's eating 360g a day at ours, and willingly lapping up beef/pork bone broth, along with a sprinkle of eggshell powder, and psyllium husk (for his leaky gut). Good boy! I would like him to go up to 450g properly since we do walk a fair bit for both exercise and training. Let's see how it goes.

Beef meatballs with bok choy and sweet potato, seared grass-fed beef chunks and Iti Beef.

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