Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Baybeats 2023!!!

For some reason, this year's Baybeats was fabulous! The programming, the line up, the vibes and the atmosphere. It's like a proper return to a great indie music festival because all the bands are able to travel in and out, Singapore bands could gather and practice and put on the best shows. About time!

When the festival schedule came out, the man and I took a hard look at it. We were thinking of the weather and staying in with the dog. Then we thought, why not bring her. Either way, we would have to split up to catch the ticketed (but free; only registration was required since there was a crowd capacity issue) gigs. But if we took Choya, she could hang out at the lawn, and we could catch those shows at the Arena (Outdoor Theater). 

Choya came along. Made sure she peed at the park before strolling to the Espalande's lawns. She was very thrilled to be part of the vibes and merrily rolled around on the grass. I should have put her at the merchandise booth to look cute and help her kor-kors and jie-jies sell things.

Some of the friends took their kids along! They ran around with their giant headphones (as sound reducers) and were having a blast. I asked if they knew the songs, and they promptly recited the song titles back to me. Well done, kids. 

The kids adopted Choya, and in between sets, came out to hang with her at the lawn too. These kids are growing up alongside family pets, and have been told not to be rough in handling or be relentless in touching a pet. They knew exactly how to behave around Choya — I needn't worry. They gave her all the space she needed. Choya did great. She was at ease with the crowds, and no matter how, I'd always find her a corner space to call her own. 

It was such a fun weekend that felt like a big reunion. We saw so many friends and acquaintances. Many of which we haven't seen in a bit. It was nice catching up over beers too. We sat at the pubs, we sat on the lawns, we sat around randomly. Much and many renewal of bonds. 

All of us are so much older now. The years have been kind to some, brutal to the others and overall, our lives were and are written into the songs. I felt... so much nostalgia. For this weekend, I actually didn't mind being a tad more sociable than usual. After all, these friends have seen the best and worst of me when we go to enough gigs together. 😂 

The man also caught so many of the bands he wanted to see, and check out. Music is in his blood. He can't be far from in. We can't be in town and not make time to get to Esplanade's Baybeats Festival. The weekend is a wrap. The photos, videos and all fun info of Baybeats 2023 are being furiously edited and plonked onto the social media channels. Check them out whenever! Kudos to the programming and production team and the entire crew of the festival this year. It was mad vibing. 

I missed out on Delta Sleep but I caught the one band that I really really really wanted to see — The Great Spy Experiment. I love their songs and their musical style, and really miss watching them play live. What a treat to catch them on Sunday night! That was my last show watched over the weekend. It was a total adrenaline high. 

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