Wednesday, October 11, 2023

New Room Doors & A Choya Door

You know my flat is this never-ending story when it comes to defects, leaks and random annoying repairs because the developer stinged on every thing. I wouldn't even call my things 'home improvement projects'. These 'projects' are literally repairs and trying to salvage leaks and holes. 

It's the doors this round. Over the years, the room doors had their laminate begin peeling. Squirted industrial glue on the laminate to stick them back. They held for a bit. Then they peeled again. Zzzzzz. The wood used is I duct-taped them into this black and brown fake-Mondrian pattern. LOL 

The developer thought the design would look good if the doors have a few pieces of laminate stuck onto it rather than a 'plain' simple piece. Idiots. They weren't stuck on well, and couldn't beat the humidity. After three years of staring at my duct-taped doors, I decided to replace them all, except for the music room door. That door was already replaced during renovation because we need the room sound-treated. 

Since I was replacing doors, I decided to build a small door to be built for Choya within the bedroom door. Heh. I wasn't going to do a flap door. I didn't like the look of it against wood. So I made a real-wood Choya-sized door with hinges.

These carpenters are super old-school. They do good quality work, but my gawwd, their sense of design is crap. So I had to be very firm about asking to see a prototype before they do the actual fabrication. Please don't stun me with an ugly door. It's a dog door, but it's not just any dog door. Dohhhhh.

With a regular bedroom door that has no opening in it for a dog to come through, I don't close it at all in the nights. I leave it ajar so that Choya can easily push it open wider to come in and out. I was pleased when the bedroom door + mini door were installed. Very nice. It was practical too. The 40cm x 40cm opening is perfect for the lean 7-kg Choya. The door hinge opens inwards to the bedroom along the wall, so there's no worry of being tripped by it. There's no issue about weight of this mini door. There's a latch at the back to close it when it's not in use, especially in the day. 

Choya immediately knew what this opening in the door is for. She tested out while I was very busy cleaning up wood dust and all. (She got chased away from the rooms fairly quickly.) On the very night we closed that bedroom door and opened her little door, she was so intrigued and stoked that she immediately walked in and out like six times just to verify that she could still enter the bedroom. HAHAHAHA. I think she's quite pleased with this special door.

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