Saturday, December 02, 2023

'Sycamore', Always :: Caspian

Sometimes when we get tickets to gigs, we can't predict the weather. (Because we have a dog with storm anxiety.) We just buy and hope for the best. We lucked out that the rains held and no thunder came along on the night of Caspian's show held at the Esplanade Waterfront Theatre. I was absolutely relieved that I could be totally immersed in the show without worrying about Smol Girl. 

The 1.5-hour show was absolutely splendid. I haven't had a wall of sound hit me for so long. Wow, it has been nine long years since the band last came to Singapore. I've watched them in London, but I would always love to see them again and again. They're one of those bands who are awesome live. Good old music with guitars and pedals. I love post-rock. I love music done this way.  

Of course the show ended with 'Sycamore' ('Tertia', 2009). Ahhhhh. All the feels. I'll never understand why Capsian likes to play in such dim lighting. TBH, without the internet and band promo photos, I might never know how the band members look like. LOL. 

Somehow, we, the audiences all abided by the unspoken rule of photos during the first two songs, and then  subtly doing it in between. Nobody stuck up their phones to grab full recordings or photos forever. It was such a pleasant phenomenon tonight. I guess when you do a show's lighting dim enough, nobody's phone cameras are sharp or fast enough to capture decent shots. 

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