Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Husband's First Work Trip of 2024

The husband was away for the first work trip of the year — a full week in Sydney, Australia. HECK, YEAHHHHH! While it's always nice to have him back safe and sound, I really enjoyed him being away for a bit and having the whole flat to myself. Teeeehehehe.

For starters, the moment he left, I changed out the covers on his pillows and duvet to wash and air them. THE WHOLE BED WAS MINE. YES! Then I vacuumed the whole house, washed the toilets, scrubbed everything down, and mopped the floors. OMG. It was absolutely satisfying. (No I don't bother hiring a cleaning agency or a helper on a weekly basis because I can handle it on my own for now.)

I could finally have some quiet in the flat. OMG. The husband is SO NOISY. Guitars, amps, television, music over the speakers. There'll always be sounds. It's only quiet when he's not at home or when he's fast asleep. He turns the gadgets up so loud. I don't turn it up beyond a certain volume. The quiet is so comforting. Even lights. My gawwd. I see great in the night with minimal light; he doesn't. So he turns on all the lights ablazing, which hurts my sensitive eyes. I was so so so so so pleased to sit in the dark, save for the lights from outside. I didn't even need music. I rather enjoy listening to sounds of the night, albeit urban cacophony.  

I didn't have to consider the husband's food needs either. I could just eat one meal a day and not run the risk of indigestion. He needs to have three meals a day. I can't. This is why I used to get indigestion on vacations or work trips till I told him to stop forcing me to eat so many meals a day. I started to dread meal times unless I decide what to eat. I need to portion out what goes into the stomach. 

I like my solitude, and I like being alone. Although it means I have to care for Choya without much help. I could ask the friends to help out, but this round, there wasn't a pressing need to. The friends have kindly accommodated me and included Choya in our outings and meals, so I was all good.

The husband definitely wouldn't mind being away for week-long work trips every month. Two weeks might be a tad long for him unless he finds indie gigs or cool shows that he wants to catch. I have no issues with either time frame. If he needs to be away for the month, that's okay too. Oof.

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