Wednesday, January 10, 2024

First Week of 2024 :: A Sushi Omakase Dinner

The husband and I closed out 2023 with a meal at Miraku, and started 2024 with another dinner at the same restaurant. I always prefer a meal with lighter flavors and proteins of fish over steaks and turkey and whatnot. I can't say that these meals weren't big on carbs, but at least they weren't stuffing me up the way pasta, bread and potatoes would. 

It was easy to decide on Miraku because it's our default option for sushi omakase meals. We didn't need 'authentic' or a super fancy option; we needed somewhere comfortable and casual. We like Chef Hei's creative flavors. The meals were enjoyable because they didn't require a ritual and a four-hour commitment. 

Both nights were a last minute booking based on the weather (because, dogs); and thankfully, Miraku had seats for us, and we were pleased to be done with both meals in two hours. We were even happier to get back to chilled out dogs who welcomed us home rather enthusiastically. Well, they were hungry and wanted their dinner.

Began 2024's first sushi omakase meal with a lovely bottle of 'Toyo Bijin Aishan Junmai Daiginjo' (東洋美人 特吟 純米大吟醸 愛山) from Sumikawa Brewing Company in Yamaguchi Prefecture. They produce the brand Toyo Bijn (東洋美人 ). It went well with our preferences tonight and complemented all the fish.

As usual, it was shiny fish galore! Wheeeee. I loved all the sushi! Tonight, I asked for seconds of some of the fish I liked. Glad for the fruits that came at the end of the meal. There was a piece of in-season kinkan! I love kinkan when it's in bite-sized portions like this.

These meals were my way of buying the husband dinner. Paid for it with my credit card fulfilled by my bank and my income. If you're curious, we do not have a joint bank account. We initially did, but realized quickly that while it's prudent, it doesn't work for us. Keeping our finances separate, with wills clearly drawn up, work for us. Heh! 

After years of marriage or a long partnership, I have already run out of ideas of what to buy for the husband on special occasions. We have built many shared experiences, and that's precious enough. Often, a delicious meal eaten together works for us. Call it a 'date night', if you will. We so rarely have that now because there's always Smol Girl with us, and we end choosing venues that will take her, over the types of foods we're keen on. The rate of us trying out new restaurants is low because we don't want to ditch her too often in inclement weather. 

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