Sunday, February 25, 2024

All the Mikan This Season

My charity chapter always order boxes of decent ponkan for our seniors. Each gets a box, and after all that, the suppliers often give us like three to five complimentary boxes. I was given one too. Hahaha. Fine. I took the smallest box because I would just use them as decor or to standby for emergency 'gift exchanges'. 

I'm not really supportive of buying tasteless ponkan for the home just to do the lunar new year exchange of wishes. I love orange juice, but I'm not a fan of the fruit per se. I don't like eating it. I don't mind a small cute Japan-grown mikan that's been chilled. So for the homes I happily visit, I prefer to get them a box of super edible mikan, or stock a few boxes of good mikan at home, then hand them out in a pair placed in a cheerful fabric holder.

The man loves mandarin oranges and mikan. He binges on them big-time every season. He's found the species of Red Beauty (紅美人) mandarin oranges that he likes. There were boxes of it stocked at CS Fresh two months before lunar new year. Then they went out of stock and our usual suppliers at the markets didn't restock. So the man swopped out to quaffing mikan. Ooof!

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