Friday, February 23, 2024

Sanuiki Udon :: 讃岐うどん

Felt like having the fat Sanuki udon (讃岐うどん) for those days that I assembled a simple meal for the man and I. Those two packs have been sitting in the larder for a while. Time to finish them before restocking. Udon is about as instant as it can get without being full of sodium and too unhealthy. 

Placed a raw egg in mine to make it kamatama udon (釜玉うどん). The man isn't keen on raw eggs, so I poached his. Made a stir-fry with this meal — cabbage and beef slices and beef intestines. Obviously the intestines have been sliced and prepped at the supermarket, and I simply bought a tray of it. #ImpieCooks2024

That made for quite an easy and filling meal. This was lunch. The man had a whole morning calls and zipped to the gym. When he came back for lunch, he ate quite a bit of udon. He also quaffed all the cabbage and beef. Heh. 

On another evening, the udon was paired with vegetable, fish and prawn tempura. I knew the man wouldn't want that much carbs. But see, for udon itself, he could literally count the strands. I gave him five strands of udon. Ha! I intended for him to get most of his protein from the prawns. I had to wear double layers of gloves and change them out twice to clean the prawns and them in batter. Often, I'd just pay more for raw ingredients at Meidi-ya since the seafood counter staff do a great job of cleaning them up.

I'm not keen on deep-frying things. But since I was already making the batter, I'd just fry them up. Nobody said I needed to fry it till actual restaurant tempura standard. As long as the insides are cooked. LOLOLOL It would just be 35 pieces of small items — 10 Tiger prawns,  5 slices of pumpkin (I bought the small whole kabocha), 5 pieces of sweet potato, 5 pieces of shiitake, and two fillets of black cod and sea bream (that I cut into 10 slices)

An air fryer might be helpful. I dunno. But I don't have one and am not about to get one, I'll just use the regular method of deep frying. My tempura wouldn't be that crisp, but they sufficed for my purposes. The oil splatter cover was very useful — made the splatter manageable. Although I still had to wipe down the kitchen and countertop twice after. Zzzzzz. 

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