Thursday, February 22, 2024

Three Plates of Pasta at Fico

J took me out to dinner at Fico, intentionally choosing an outdoor table so that Choya could come along. The odd little storm that happened an hour before dinner cleared up quickly and nobody got drenched strolling to the restaurant. 

We skipped all the appetizers. I didn't think they needed space in our stomachs. Heh. We went straight to mains. However, I couldn't quite believe we ordered a total of THREE plates of pasta — two spaghetti cacio e pepe and one linguine vongole. The portions aren't gigantic, but it's a ton of carbs. I would have to work it off the next day, and wouldn't complain about burpees. Hurhurhurhur. 

I had the 'S$78 free-flow drinks for 1.5 hours' thingy. I knew I would do three drinks, and it doesn't make sense by per glass. Neither do I want to just get a bottle and feel ill finishing it, nor waste it. The S$78 for a glass of prosecco and then two glasses of red was absolutely cost-efficient. But I didn't want J to pay for drinks. I'm a drinker, and I'm not about to allow friends who don't drink pay for my alcohol. Heh. It's like... a personal rule. :P

We had two plates of pasta first, then a main of pork loin with parmigiano, colatura and red endive. And J couldn't quite shake off the gorgeous pepper and cheese, so we split another plate of spaghetti cacio e pepe. LOLOLOLOL Choya smelt the shaved cheese on the pasta and promptly sniffed the air. I gave her the cheese that was on the rim. She couldn't have those in the plate. Heh!

J wasn't done. She wanted dessert. All right. An apple torta and a burrata gelato with strawberry and tomato jam appeared. Burrrrrrrrrp! Rolled our stuffed and happy stomachs home. 

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