Friday, February 16, 2024

人日 :: 頌新天歲歲無慮、逢盛世年年有餘

Plopped onto my seat at Miraku, and V asked, "Aren't you 45 last year too? Since when do you care about being forever 45?" I was like... whuut. So she said that she kept reading 45 for this year, and had to double-check my blog archives which actually said I was 45 last year. 

I was like, 'But I even used a calculator to be sure!' I opened it up and pressed..... '2023' and went OH WTF.  I cracked up so badly. My girlfriend, keeping it real for me. I hope she does that forever. Yours truly FORGOT that we're in 2024. I had told a number of people that I'm 45. Had to go amend the blog post (since this is read mainly by friends lol) and promptly loaded up an IG story. 🤦🏻‍♀️

There wasn't any shiny fish tonight. SAD. But there were kinmedai (金目鯛), kuromutsu (黒むつ), nodoguro (喉黒. Or akamatsu アカムツ) and such. I was happy. As it is with an omakase meal, the restaurant took loads of effort with its presentation. There was even a mini yusheng of sorts that they created for these two weeks of the Lunar New Year. Not for lo-hei, but to eat it. Many vegetables. Eat your vegetables.

I ate loads of fish this week and presumably gotten loads of luck buffered in for the year. I wasn't expecting for more sushi, and then this birthday dessert platter to appear to wish me more luck. It did! V had arranged it with Miraku when I came in 10 minutes late. Teeeehehehe. Alllll riiiiight, tonight I properly turned 46. 🤣

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