Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Pizza, Pasta & A Seabass!

It was great to have H and S back for a bit. The bonus is to catch them for dinner and long chats too. They didn't need to have a meal in AC either. They're just glad to be out of the -20dC winter and thick snow at home. 

That night H couldn't join us for dinner, but S and their youngest son F could. S specifically wanted Choya to come along too. Off we went to a casual meal at D.O.P. The sheltered al fresco tables meant that it was cool enough for everyone. Its dependable menu is always welcomed. 

The man was so pleased to split a pizza with F. Hahahahaha. Well, the man really doesn't get to have pizza often if he eats with me only. Obviously. He can't take that much carbs either and has to take home half the pizza. F's metabolic rate means he could more than polish off half a pizza on his own, and still inhale his full plate of tagliatelle with beef cheek.  

We passed on having a bottle of wine that night since both the man and I had to field calls. S wasn't going to have too much wine either. F declined a drink. I was so tickled. F is old enough for alcohol, but he isn't fond of it. Oooof. Although he would get much better quality of alcohol with us than with his NS (National Service) mates. He did inhale the shot of limoncello at the end of the night. 

After months of not seeing one another, there was no time to be missed and we quickly caught up. Distance and time don't dull this friendship. What a lovely evening. 💛

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