Saturday, June 15, 2024


There was just a tinge of wistfulness when the vacation came to an end and I was airport-bound. That came from knowing that I don't travel as often anymore. Well, it's a choice I've made, and I'm okay with it. This simply means that on every trip I do, I treasure every minute even more, down to the mundane and seemingly insignificant details.  

When people asked if I would be bored with only staying in Tokyo instead of heading out to the suburbs and other towns, I'm like nope. I haven't been to the city for years, so everything is all familiar yet new and strange. There's plenty for me to do in Tokyo without going out of it. I would return to Tokyo again on my own and wander about. I have things that I hadn't done on this trip because I had no time! And also it's very hard to stay at a ceramics shop for half a day with the husband in tow. 

I have my preferred subway lines, and those haven't changed. LOL. What changed is — my Suica card can't be used anymore, oddly. No more PASMO card for tourists and I didn't bother with downloading an app. (I could have just waved the app at the gantries.) So at the airport, I just bought a 'Welcome Suica' tourist card that's valid for 30 days. Along with cab rides, I took many train trips.  

I chose to stay in Toranomon Hills to be close to Hibiya and Ginza train lines. I almost chose to stay at Azabudai Hills area, but since the friends weren't going to be in town, there's no point in staying near them. Toranomon Hills is a lot more convenient for where I wanted to go on this trip. Toggling between the Hibiya and Ginza lines was a breeze. I wouldn't be so affected by weird line closures too. I also prefer quieter spots in the business district compared to staying near or in the 'shopping' areas. 

Toranomon Hills have changed SO MUCH. Wow. I was a bit lost when I got here. New towers popped up. A brand new underground linkway and mall plus food areas offered respite from the weather, especially if a typhoon hits in the day or the rains come in fierce during the day. This round, the rains came in the nights when most of us were asleep and didn't affect many people's schedules unless you do the nights shifts.   

I've eaten very well, and I've eaten all the things that I wanted to eat, avoiding ramen, karaage and not-great tempura. I'M SO PLEASED THAT I GOT TO EAT SO MUCH AWESOME SOBA. Kekekekek. 

Squeezed in one last lunch of soba before we went off to the airport.

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