Monday, June 17, 2024

Choya at Home

Took Choya out to the beach the morning after we flew home. The Smol Girl was soooo happy. She couldn't believe that we were finally home and kept following us around all day for the week after. She's generally sticky to me, although she doesn't have separation anxiety. She just likes to be Miss Sticky-Paws to Momma. 

I had so much emotional baggage (mainly Choya) about making this trip to Tokyo with the husband. For various reasons, boarding her at a pet hotel isn't an option. With her neuroses, she can't be boarded with friends either if they have no experience with shibes or huskies. To that, I don't want to trouble the two friends who have shibes she's friendly with, and who are happy and willing to take her into their homes.

Staying at home alone with a small army of humans coming in fulfil her daily toileting, feeds and emotional needs is the best option for Choya. The professional (paid) sitters are excellent. Her walkers came in to sit with her and played too. The friends O and N are sooooo awesome in coming in to check on her as well. N took Ryo over too, and the boy was good company for Choya. The darling friends came sooo often! Gosh.

As a result, while Choya didn't have the best appetite, she didn't go on a food strike — she didn't lose weight. She didn't hurt her paws or gums or mouth by ripping the mats too violently. She also had loads of belly rubs and fabulous company. She was cheeky and still reassured and confident. Gabapentin did its part in taking the roughest edges off of her night terrors. We were super blessed with the weather. There was rain and some bits storms, but those happened mostly in the daytime when there were humans with her.   

When I vacuumed and mopped the flat the night I got back (yeah I stayed up till 4am), it wasn't that dusty or dirty. I realized that her sitters went above and beyond to even do a few quick vacuuming of the flat for me! Wow. The husband is also amazed by the level of professionalism and warmth shown by the sitters and walkers, and absolutely stunned by the depth of my friendships with O and N, and how much they love us. Smol Girl definitely did her part being the most adorbs and manja towards them!

I make it clear that I do not befriend someone so that they can help me look after my dog or extend favors to me. I do not want to 'use' friends in this way. I'd prefer to pay professionals to step into the role of dog-sitting and home-care. Friends should just come in and chill and have some fun and not have to 'work. I'm already grateful that they fit us into their busy schedules. I'm so overwhelmed by the magnitude of kindness and care shown to Choya. 

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