Friday, June 21, 2024

Celebrating V!

Marked V's birthday with a casual dinner at D.O.P. She just got in from Europe and is still jetlagged. I was a bit zonked from no sleep from the thunderstorms in the nights. So we opted for something easy because seeing each other was more important than eating a fancy meal for now. I wanted to wish her well in person and get hugs!

Shared our favorite platter of prosciutto and burrata with grilled vegetables, then an easy ribeye. I didn't want to do carbs that evening. The potatoes were all V's. Hurhurhur. I was newly recovered from a head cold (it's really dumb how I got it) and not infectious, but I shouldn't go big on the alcohol. So I had like two glasses of wine and V happily finished the rest. Oof. 

I had some 'groceries' from Tokyo for her, but I haven't gotten her a proper birthday present yet! With this dear friend, our friendship spans years. Some years, I instantly know what I want to get for her. In other years, I'm stumped and end up owing her a gift that might given closer to Christmas. Tehehehehe. This year is one of the, 'I need more time to get a gift!'

Happy Birthday, V! Keep that stamina and be safe on the roads. May your quad and hamstrings grow stronger and remain flexible. May the pink of health be always with you year on year. 💕

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