Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Birthday Brunch Plate!

Found a common date to have a brunch in honor of E's birthday at a convenient outlet of Craftsmen Coffee. It's always so fun to have a chat and a check-in with these girls. We didn't ask each other, but we all turned up with our 'Seoul bags'! Ooof. That's the best part about getting these fun bags — they're great for a casual day out and can withstand some rough handling — we simply just grab them and go. 

Poached eggs and ham on toast for S. I didn't feel like having bread and I'm not a fan of sourdough toasts. Opted for a ham and cheese omelette. Heh! That was suitable savory.

E is fond of ice-cream, but she isn't a cake person. So we skipped getting even a slice of cake here for her. However, we all needed lunch right? So we made this date, and plonked a candle on top of her brunch plate. Heh! She was most pleased with her birthday plate of eggs, avocado and toast. 

May you be much blessed with clarity of the path and walk in the direction God leads and your heart desires. Happy Birthday, E.

I can do all these things in him who strengtheneth me. 

~ Philippians Chapter 4:13, Douay-Rheims

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