Saturday, June 08, 2024

Old School Rakeru :: ラケル 洋食

I wasn't going to eat ramen on this trip if I can help it. I don't like ramen. I do not like the usual kotteri tonkotsu ramen or Sapporo/Tokyo-style shoyu miso. I don't mind shio assari styles but I do, however, not mind tsukemen. If I have to eat ramen, I would have picked Ramen Hosenka /らぁ麺 鳳仙花.

The man likes ramen of all sorts. But he bailed out of the Ichiran queue. He didn't even know what Ichiran is. He simply googled and said "Let's go to this ramen place." My mistake is in not asking which one, and having the shock of my life when I realized that it's Ichiran. Anyway, the man didn't want to queue and found an old-school yoshoku western restaurant Rakeru to lunch at. Okaaaay! The menu is more palatable to me than tonkotsu ramen.

I almost burst out in rude laughter when I stepped into the basement restaurant. OMG. It's so 1990s!!! The checkered red-white plastic tablecloths are such a hoot. Apparently Rakeru has been around since 1963. Wow. It's absolutely fascinating that it has survived, and robustly so till 2024. I bet you their spaghetti Napolitan or Neapolitan will taste the exact yuck that I hate. LOL

The man got what he also wanted to try on this trip — a super old-school Hamburg steak/patty and omurice! He likes this combination, but he doesn't want to go out of his way to hunt it down. Neither are we the type to have to find and eat the 'most popular'/'best of'/'most photogenic omurice'. What luck that this is just round the corner from Ichiran. 

We took a set meal each. My roast beef done medium was surprisingly decent! Egg was great. But I couldn't finish all that rice. No way. That rice can feed three pax. Goodness. My lemonade was serious business. I honestly quite enjoyed lunch. The man totally loved his Hamburg patty and omurice. This restaurant isn't like your Netflix dramatic flair, but just conservative and stuck in 1990s and 2000s. HAHAHAHAHA.

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