Saturday, June 08, 2024

All Them Rice & Eggs!

I am so dead from all the carbs ingested. I'm mostly unable to say no to all the short-grain rice presented and eggs. I know riiiight — I came here to eat rice and eggs like I don't have it back home. I do get equally excellent iterations at home...... just that I see more of them here, and it's too much noms to resist. 

I don't usually bother with breakfast, but I'm in Tokyo, so I work out so as to be able to eat more calories in a day. Breakfast is included with our room. The man is a breakfast person. So I kept away Ms Grouch and followed him to the breakfast table for a nibble. 

DED. SO DED. The hotel's breakfast menu offers rice and eggs. And MISO SOUP. I don't even know why a miso soup at breakfast is so attractive. The cafe uses decent miso, but it's nothing fabulous. Yet I like it. I don't even bother with miso soup for breakfast at home. 

The one form of egg I unfortunately do not eat is, tamago-yaki. I can't deal with the sweet in there. So at breakfast, I take either the poached or ¾ boiled egg, or scrambled eggs to add to my rice. Resistance is futile. The weather isn't cold, but there's something about the combination of hot soup, rice and an egg that's so alluring.

Depending on the meal and activity schedule for the day, we go down for breakfast either at 7.45am or 8am. Before that, it's always an outdoor run or a weights workout first. I can't just eat and eat and eat with no output! I had to row '20kcal per rep X 5 sets' that day to feel suitably less bloated. If brekkie is at 9.30/10am, that means there would be no lunch after. The brain wouldn't mind but the stomach isn't willing. 

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