Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A New Plate & Bowl for Choya!

I wasn't expecting it but atomi remembered my passing comment and asked if I would still like to have the bowl I was eyeing. I wanted that bowl for Choya, but I was in a rush and they were out of stock for this bowl. They only just brought in new pieces. I was like, YES PLEASE. 

These simple pieces by Hasami Life are gorgeous. Obviously I love the colors! Couldn't resist touching them and lifting them to feel the weight and such.  When I went to collect Choya's bowl, I was also browsing the range in earnest. In the process, bought a few more pieces of crockery. LOL 

This batch in this range is apparently dishwasher-safe and microwave-safe. Excellent. I need this sort of sturdiness in my daily crockery. But the maker is careful to elaborate to say it's safe enough for dishwashers in a home and not in a commercial restaurant. Okaaaay. It also reminded me that if I put this in the microwave, it shouldn't be on high heat for too long. Like <50secs. Hahaha. Sure.

In the end, I didn't just get a bowl for Choya. I also got her a plate. Both are in glazed gray. The brown/terracotta is also nice, but it's a bit rough that unfinished sandpaper texture isn't suitable for a dog's tongue. I generally prefer to use stainless steel for the dog's food things. But once in a while, I like to plate her food on porcelain and ceramic plates. Oof.

The diameter and depth of the bowl and the plate are great for her and shouldn't give her whisker fatigue. This phenomenon affects dogs a lot less than cats, but just in case. I don't want bowls that are too deep for her. She seems to prefer a shallower bowl too. She kinda enjoys having different foods for her meals in different-sized bowls.

Got home and washed the new pieces of crockery. The bigger serving plates and some dessert plates are for the humans. It was time for Choya's afternoon snack. Decided to use the new plate. It was such a clever design. The Smol Girl is pretty neat with eating. This plate is perfect for her! 

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