Friday, August 23, 2024

Getting My Pull-Ups In

When I have two clowns kiddos coming out with me, it's sometimes tough to hit the gym for a class or a workout. By now, I could leave them at home alone, but I quite like their derpy grins and company.

I kinda knew that there's an exercise spot with decent equipment built by NParks at the park near me. But I never really looked at it till that day when I went to use it. It's not sheltered, and I really dislike working out in the sun, without AC. Now, I have to  meet my quota of dead hangs, shoulder shrugs and pull-ups. When I don't have a pull-up bar at home, I have to go in search of one.

Went to the park with the kiddos. They did their toileting and sniffing. At 11.15am, it was a cloudy day. Whewwww. (The rains came later in the afternoon.) I would still be perspiring like crazy from the humidity, but never mind. It wouldn't be a full HIIT thing. I wouldn't be dripping beads of sweat. 

There were three bars of different heights. One could always take TRX straps or pull-up rings to do fun things. I took the lower bar, in ratio to my height. I didn't have to really jump up. It was more of a hop up, then a dead hang. That's always the toughest point to pull up, much less do a muscle-up. I'm nowhere near a muscle-up yet. I train strict pull-ups, aiming for perfect form. No jumps, no kipping. Ugh. My teres muscles and lats are still weak. Grrrrr. 

The kiddos dutifully hung out with me, and didn't attempt to run away. This exercise spot isn't near any roads or cycling paths at all. So at least I don't have to worry about random hits. They seemed to like basking in the little bit of sun for the short 20 minutes we were there.

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