Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Black Bursa Figs

When the fruit stall saves me a few boxes of in-season figs over a few weeks, and I happily pop down to collect them, I'm literally rolling in them. Lovely. I'm most certainly not complaining about ingesting many fig wasps. 

Different figs ripen over different months. Black Bursa figs are in season late summer to fall, say end August to early October. These are also caprifigs and require the fig wasps to pollinate them. Apparently the harvest numbers are declining

These black Bursa figs from Turkey are gigantic and crunchy. A box holds 12 figs. I love fresh figs over dried ones. Fruits are my preferred dessert. I usually munch on them at all times of the day. I don't wait to have them immediately before dinner or after. I simply eat them as and when. There's no designated 'fruit time' after dinner typically. As a child, my fruits are generally my breakfast or as an after-school snack. 

Choya has no interest in fruits at all. Not in the small piece of momo I offered her, and certainly not these figs. Zzzzz. She would simply sniff and scoff at them. She would, however, take all the cheese offered along with the fruits. She ate cheese ever so delicately, skirted the fruits and left them.  

Eating Bursa figs clean is my favorite manner. It's absolutely delicious. With the skin of course. I simply eat one or two a day. They are super rich in fibre and potassium, and they do have a laxative effect, though milder than what a yellow dragonfruit could induce. 

I could also have them with cheese and parma ham or prosciutto. The friends piled me with loads of ham from their summer trips to Spain and Italy. The indulgent bit is to top these with a dollop of Japanese cherry jam (preferably made from 月山錦/ gassan-nishiki cherries). Thanks to the dear friends, I'm lucky to have three jars of it this season! Am savoring them. Mmmmm.

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