Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lamb Chops & Mooncakes

We didn't actually mean to mark the Mid-Autumn Festival. It was simply a gathering to catch up with one another before the friends fly out again. It was totally an excuse for wine and whisky. The mooncakes were more of an afterthought as dessert since the moon was nearly full by the weekend.

Not everyone at this table enjoys mooncakes. I took a quarter of something. I'm not fond of mooncakes at all, and stayed far away from the durian ones. These from Golden Moments were totally filled with durian purée. Ugh. THE STENCH.

N and B hosted everyone to dinner and generously cooked a delicious rack of lamb chops. I rarely order lamb chops at restaurants because they tend to turn out disappointing, even at Michelin-starred fancy tables. I like my lamb chops done at home simply — seared with salt and pepper, maybe butter, and with tarragon and thyme or rosemary. Tonight's lamb chops were on point. The sides were great too — homemade baba ganoush, pomegranate salad, seared asparagus and broccolini. I love all the vegetables, and always love a luxurious pomegranate salad. 

I didn't remember anyone actually seeing the moon that night. At least I didn't, and nobody else commented about the moon. LOL It was like... obstructed by clouds. Hahaha. No matter. It was a wonderful evening of food, wine, conversation and company. 

照江叠节,载画舫之清冰;待月举杯,呼芳樽于绿净。拜华星之坠几,约明月之浮槎。 风雨满城,何幸两重阳之近;江山如画,尚从前赤壁之游。槁秸申酬,轮嗣布。

~ 宋代文天祥的《回董提举中秋请宴启》

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