Sunday, September 01, 2024

Comfort Foods

I really love the variety of food we have in Singapore, and the relatively easy access to them. I'm absolutely spoilt by not having to eat the same things for every meal. There's something for every budget, and something for each craving. Even as the prices of food and supplies increase, we can still find a decent meal if we have no wish to cook. 

On days when we have no food cravings, an easy takeout at a convenient food center / kopitiam would do. We were in Potong Pasir that morning. The kopitiam at Block 120 Potong Pasir Avenue 1 offers a range of decent stalls. There was also an okay Indian-Muslim stall with surprisingly tasty rava dosai.

Today, we decided that duck breast with eggs and tau pok from the braised duck stall sounded good. We got greedy. Also had to get noodles. Got a regular bak chor mee (kia) for the husband and my preferred 'white-white kway teow, no chilli and no vinegar'. It's too much food for us. But that kinda sorted out lunch and also covered dinner. 

Sometimes, happiness is very simple. I was getting takeout lunch. I'm waiting for the food to be prepped. Then I turned around and saw a seriously cute Shibe staring unblinkingly at me. When I grinned at her, she dropped her jaw and gave me the widest smile. She patiently waited for me to be done.

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