Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Looks Like I Have To Do This

We watched Stranger Than Fiction and thought it a very clever movie.

The man decided that he had a craving for cookies. So we walked to the Famous Amos counter and he enthusiastically asked for (i think) pecan butter chocolate cookies. While merrily skipping along the road to the traffic light, the man inexplicably turned to me and asked, "Can you bake me cookies?"

I skidded to a halt. My jaw dropped. The man rarely makes demands of me. What he just asked sounded suspiciously like one. How ah?? *panic* I don't even have an ounce of baking talent in me! No aptitude, no inclination, no interest. Z.I.L.C.H.

Okay okay. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Luckily he didn't ask me to cook him a meal.

Feast is sitting pretty at home. I think I can use its recipes. But I'm no baking enthusiast. Besides an oven, I don't even have an idea of what's needed to bake a batch of cookies. I think I need to beg, borrow or steal mixers, trays, cookie cutters and whathaveyous.

Looking at him munch the cookies in delight, I heaved a big sigh. I really should be nice to him. I'd better go figure out how to work the oven. Maybe I can even bake a half-decent batch of cookies in time for Valentine's Day.

Anyone wants to come over to help (or laugh at) me?


geesmo said...

hmm...can go and buy the Famous Amos cookies and 'pretend' to take it out of the oven when he comes home? Ta Daaaa!!! Otherwise, I'd love to come over and laugh, I mean observe :D

Dawn said...

I can help! They're easy peasy - honest.

Anonymous said...

oooh the wafting scent of freshly baked goods! that i'm looking forward to!

Anonymous said...

haha. that's sweet of ya.

and i can come over... not so much to help (dun think u can count on me, even i thought my brownies were horrid the last time round) but to eat them. heh.

oh, and drool over nigella lawson's recipes.

Dawn said...

BTW if you want to cheat - two words : Betty Crocker. But seriously, they're so easy to make, there's no point even cheating.

Little Miss Snooze said...

Betty Crocker!!

imp said...

geesmo: i wish!!! but i don't think i can pull it off. i'll be laughing too hard.

dawn: you promise!!!!!!???!!! yay!

powerofdreams: S.C.O.W.L

fuchsiacow: yayy. u can come eat other desserts!!!

lms: will check it out.

frankly ladies, i wanna do a cupcake party. other people's desserts r so much better. so for pple who i know and bloggers who might be game, let's see if i organize a small tee-shirt flip flop tea thingy in Feb. first, let me move house proper!

kachunknorge said...

Can I come laugh *with* you? It's been ages since I last baked, since Man is so good at baking himself, but cookies should be easy enough. :)

Too bad I won't be in SG much longer in time for your new place to be ready.

See, I'm so thick-skinned, I just invited myself over. hee hee.

imp said...

kachunk: you'll be very welcomed!! on one condition, must bring your cutest-ever boys along. ooh. lucky u! your man bakes!!! awesome. arrgh. u're leaving sgp soon... hope u had a fruitful trip here.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Can I laugh first? Becos I'm exactly like you. Zilch about baking and stuff like that. I can cook but only functional. And the other day I tried making some pancakes for my son in failure...*sigh*

I can't help for sure. So just wish you success!

Anonymous said...

My girl, I feel so much like you here (sans the boyfriend bit)! Kosong culinary knowledge also.

Am exploring baking and making desserts as a hobby becoz I'm such a hopeless sweet tooth, but I macam worse than you... i don't even have an oven to start with! Ahahahaha! So I'm starting off with non-bake and refrigerated desserts.

Some of them were just disastrous while some were reasonably yummy, but none of them looks pretty enough to be displayed :(

Do share more often on your baking/cooking (mis?)adventures, think we'll have fun laughing at our own mistakes together ;)

shuhuiii said...

I second Betty Crocker!
The final product rocks socks. Too good for a pre-mix version! :D

sereneannabelle said...

soooo sweeet!

there are lotsa baking recipe online. it's not hard if you follow the instrcutions carefully i guess. =) i dunt even have an oven to do my baking, and i love baking sooo much!

sinlady said...

Cookies REALLY are easy. I can do the famous amos types truly well. I am a good one to invite to your cupcake thingy :)

Kismet said...

I love to bake...the process of baking that is...the closest I got to baking success was cupcakes in secondary school home econs lessons...does that count? *laughs* what a sweet entry :)

coboypb said...

Baking is easy and fun. You can do it! :)

DK said...

Famous Amos recipes are all over the internet.


Try google. there are a few more sites abt it too.

Jo said...

I.... would have reacted the same way you did. Perhaps my jaw might even touch the ground. LOLZ! Well, what can I say? GOOD LUCK!!! Haha!

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

if u like brownies - those on the hershey's website work perfect. can be frozen and STEAMED - and taste heavenly with ice cream.

the rest are rite - cookies are easy!

just don't do muffins. my muffins are still un-sellable after so much practice!!

imp said...

sesame: laugh away!!! heheh. i can't even picture myself kneading any dough.

fen: sounds good!! at least u're open to trying. i'm like, trying so hard to resisting. i shall endeavor to show u the worst baking disasters in recent history.

shuhuii: i'm beginning to feel she could be my new best friend..!

goodshithappens: can you do osmosis or something then i'll be able to bake too!

coboypb + dk: recipes r one thing...but ummm...u're dealing with imp here...so receipes might not turn out good.

jomel: sigh. yes yes.

free spirit: wah! no no! am sticking to cookies. at least of it's too hard or it sinks, it's still defendable because it's a cookie!

sinlady: you're on the top of my invite list then! gosh. u can do cupcakes?? u're absolutely talented!

kismet: i remember Home Econs/Homec classes where we had to do rock cookies. mine tasted really funny and crumbly. for cooking lessons i swap duties with my partner. she could slice, chop and cook! i just helped wash up.

Dawn said...

Imp - I used to be that girl in Home Ec. I never cooked. My partner did all the cooking and I did the washing. Everything I used turned out a disaster. If you have the right equipment and a good recipe, it's not a problem. If I can do it, anyone can!

imp said...

dawn: hah. when i knew u said u wanna help, my nightmares were kinda banished instantly. hehehe. can i beg you to bake and i watch? that's not quite cheating is it?

Dawn said...

Imp - but of course :) My pleasure.

Chick said...

i can come and help you. back an downunder, the oven was my best friend! the only thing is, i only know how to use my oven... heh. we try?

imp said...

chick: hahaha! okies! we try! i really must go check out this oven first. at most, we chuck it down the chute, and pretend the whole baking thing never happened!

domestic rat said...

Before you start baking, be sure to rally a bunch of friends to help finish the remaining cookies. You won't stop at one tray only; it's definitely countless trays!

Cavalock said...

i tried my hand in baking cookies...er, less said bout that the better...

kachunknorge said...

If I brought my boys over, there wouldn't be any cookie batter left over to put in the oven. They'd probably lick your mixing bowl clean first! *giggle*

Would love to meet you if you've any free time to spare from your packing-moving. My contact no. is here.

imp said...

dr: oh. i didn't think abt that. oh dear.

cavalock: i'll be the same.

kachunk: then again, they might not! given that they've grown up on your man's baking, i think they'll be able to differentiate the quality! will give you a buzz!

Anonymous said...

i love baking. i think all you need would be dawn? (she's your domestic goddess no?) i tried the hazelnut torte recipe and it was yums! For fantastic fuss free biscuits - Betty Crocker ready-mix! But its a tad too sweet.

imp said...

yellow: okies! i think u just nominated dawn!!! i'll go take it up with her! hehehehe.

Dawn said...

Yellow - thanks *BLUSH*

Imp - yes my kitchen awaits. You have to make do with my tiny oven, but I do have the Kitchenaid!