Friday, May 04, 2007

Cell Questions

For a mere S$25 (can be more, depending on circumstances) phone subsidy, the office is going to put my cell phone number on the intranet.

I'm not pleased with it. I don't see the rationale of this action.

I hold a very different view. Me giving out my number freely is one thing. Me giving out namecards with my cell number is one thing. But the administration putting it on the intranet is quite another thing. There will be plenty of people who will assume that because my cell number is listed on the intranet, they are free to judge and decide (for me) who to give the number to. And there will be many, among them, who will not exercise discretion.

Some smartass has already done that to me last year. When my number wasn't listed on the intranet and my phone bills weren't subsidized. But the smartass happened to have my cell phone number through the course of work. The smart bozo thought nothing of giving out my number to unwelcome callers while I was on vacation leave. That resulted in me being hounded for a matter that was not my concern for 7 days while I was on auto-roam, stretching into periodic stalking over the email for 5 months after.

That smartass' inconsiderate action plunged me into the darkest period of my life. I had to struggle to maintain the professional confidence when I was really crumbling within, consumed by paranoia, nightmares and some say mild schizophrenia. I had to switch off my phone semi-permanently.

I was not at all amused. And don't we love that there are no damn privacy laws in Singapore. I'd love to return the smartass this favor if I could.

Seriously now. I see nothing good out of this. Am I being dramatic?

I think I ought to get a new line that is only answered between 9am - 5pm on weekdays. Buying it by Monday.


Anonymous said...

stupid decisions = certain decisions = lower productivity.

i only know that pple circulate phone numbers in a department. not across the whole company like that!

Little Miss Snooze said...

I used to have 2 for work, one for personal which I thought was easier...

Anonymous said...

that's crazy!!! Just say no. Or if they won't accept that, then get a pre-paid SIM card and put that number on. Keep your own number for personal use only. Don't let them do this to you!

Anonymous said...

the administration is dumb. you are not. don't let ur first instincts of anger cloud your brain dodo bird.

i kinda like corsage's idea of a pre-paid card. that works!!! but u better go find out if there's a clause on bills/justification, whatever.

and what happens if your boss can't get u on THAT new line because u switched it off. oops.

Anonymous said...

i think i see something. S$25 is too little for a new line separately used for work. so stingy? i get S$80. no questions. no publication of number anywhere unless i choose to spread the namecard around.

furfur angel said...

i thought my $50 subsidy was bad...

anyway before I can say yes, mine is already circulated throughout the whole HQ and malls.

no far, my colleagues (though some I've never spoken b4 thru out my stay here) have not giving out my no freely, so still quite ok....

Anonymous said...

i know.

not dramatic. completely understandable why you're upset. but they don't care,do they? go around them. give them a fake number, a pre-paid number and let your own dept know the real number.

Anonymous said...

oh forgot to add...with a pre-paid card, if the $$ runs out before the month is up..then too bad! muahahaha...

ok you probably won't be so mean, but at least by keeping the receipts there will be concrete reasons to justify asking for more $$ if need be.

b.muse said...

If your number gonna be circulated this way, then a separate line would be easier, so you get to keep your sanity too. :p

DK said...

$25 subsidy and expect to put ur phone on the intranet? Ask them go F spider lah.

Anonymous said...

Hi babe,

I can understand what you are going through, coz I went through similar incidents. When I was with the agency previously, they did not even subsidy me at all and my mobile was on 24hrs standby on a daily basis. Worse off is that though the admin did not place my mobile number on intranet, it still got circulated around among the clients whom I served.

By the way, just to caution you, if you are using the assigned courier service appointed by the agency, never reveal your mobile to them even if it's any urgent case. I did that once because my office phone played dead on me straight for two days. Doing the coordinating work, I have no choice but to give my number to the courier company. From then onwards, the number was circulated among the staff of the courier company. Sometimes my colleagues are the ones using their service, but I will end up getting calls from the courier company with regards to problems arising from the orders.
You can use the agency's card to apply for a corporate line from Singtel, I think the rate offered is quite reasonable.
All the best, my friend! I am sure that you will be able to solve this problem with ease.

imp said...

anon: exactly. put numbers on intranet. poof.

lms: thinking about it. see how. coz my current personal line offers fantastic rates. if i have a new line, i won't have these rates and no guarantee they'll pay me for bills incurred for work if it's more than S$25.

corsage: i'm taking ur suggestion. prepaid card!!!

meteor: my boss will know the proper number to call lah! bah.

queenie: too little. me feels that too.

jun + fern: yah lor. i shall do that. protect my sanity.

furfur angel: informal circulation. never mind. but putting it OFFICIALLY on the site just smacks of highhandedness. i hate that.

dk: you have NO idea how much i'm agreeing with you.

iceaster: goodness. note to self: be rude to unwanted callers!

Anonymous said...

Best to get another phone for work if they insist but you ought to make it clear that you will not wish to be disturbed outside of reasonable work hours and the phone will be switched off during those times. Your personal line should remain unknown to 'randomers'. I'm sure your boss would understand?

kuro.shiro.neko said...

company needs to get a phone + phone line for you. period. you should keep your personal line personal. period.

dont settle for anything else.

it's not being dramatic. it's to draw the line very clear.

Q said...

hmm...i suppose I'm very lucky that my agency foots my full phone bill no questions asked (even personal calls as long as your bill is not exorbitant or unreasonable) and people do respect your privacy. Can you not speak with the administration and say that you've had a previous traumatic experience when your number was last listed (stalkers,etc.)and that you need another option? :P BTW Imp, I got your very sweet package. Expect something coming your way shortly :)

Anonymous said...

did you chew off the face of the smartass???

imp said...

yellow: nature of my work. i might need to keep phone on sometimes beyond working hours....

kuro: company can't get a line for me. best they can do is to subsidize a flat rate. very stupid system.

Q: u lucky girl! hey hey...something real tiny i hope!

clamshell + Q: i told HR. smartass didn't think anything amiss. smartass thinks it's my bad luck and karma;nothing to do with smartass'actions. asshole. luckily smartass does not work with me then or now. need not see smartass often. phew.

Dawn said...

imp - it's not a lot to pay for some peace. I highly recommend it :)

imp said...

dawn: i so will. thanks!

wildgoose said...

Oh. Hope no more nasty callers. My ex-colleagues were good enough not to circulate hp no. around to outsiders.
You can always choose which calls to pick up. :P

Anonymous said...

definitely another line!

Anonymous said...

erm... corsage: the same paper applies to you also leh.
imp: get another number to put up lah. i really dun see a problem if you do that. but yes, agreed the amount is just silly. wat to do.

Cavalock said...

think iceaster has the right idea. ah, u crazy suits. hehe

Anonymous said...

wildgoose: true!

fuchsiacow + ame: another line! i will! :)

cavalock: heh.