A shopping trip to the delis and grocery stores features very largely on any trip.
I don't cook. So when things on the shelves caught my fancy, I simply tugged at the man's sleeve to point them out. He'd think about it for 5 seconds to see if there would be anything he could do with them.
On this trip out to Blackwattle Deli (@Blackwattle Deli), it was the bottles of dukkah that bowled us over. Very spoilt for choice over the many labels and flavors. Lots of options to coat fish with or dip it with bread in olive oil!
There were bottles of olive oil which didn't quite catch our interest. We wanted the wines to cook with! But due to the liquor limits, we really couldn't bring it back nor ship many back home. We spent a long time dwaddling over the colorful packages in this little deli. One would think we were starved of supermarkets at home.
And of course, the selection of cheeses that we could stock up on for the month. Perfect.

the sweet part in the whole post to me.. 'tugging at the man's sleeve and pointing to anything that caught your fancy'.
you're one lucky gal, imp.
tuti: heh. showing him only! doesn't him he'll buy it!
ya, sounds deprived. LOL! Here, Cold Storage can get lots of exotic stuff.
jomel: hahah. yah lor. cold storage has....like NOMU and all. but not enough! i want MORE MORE MORE!
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