We didn't want to hang out at noisy clubs or the grating Lan Kwai Fong (蘭桂坊) where many people would be 'celebrating' the upcoming World Cup, which doesn't mean a thing to me and most of the friends.
We wanted something quieter. We did what most tourists do- slipped out of our dinner dresses into jeans, kept the high heels and headed to the poseur-ish Sevva for drinks. Sitting indoors for dinner would be fine, although most would advise against it as the standard of the food hadn't stablized. But one should take a drink and go out to the terrace to take in the concrete jungle. The city's air is by no means clean. But standing outdoors for an hour or so won't kill us.
The evening was cool. A light breeze stirred, helped along by the fans strategically positioned at each wall. It was pleasant to chill outdoors without air conditioning. I liked the choice of single malts because they offered a Bowmore 18.yo and a 25 y.o. That got my attention. Needless to say, single malt was what I ordered. They took the trouble to take the whole bottle out to pour a dram before my eyes.
Is Sevva exciting? No. It's just a bar. But it offers a good view of Kowloon (九龍) across the pond and a peek into the offices of the poor sods still crunching numbers at 11pm. I was thrilled with how the DL4 performed at night, capturing the brightly lit buildings brilliantly. I was also very pleased with my Bowmore 18y.o on the rocks. I liked the glass it came in. Heavy. Nice. But the friends weren't so impressed by their drinks which came in full size plastic wine and cocktail holders.

yeah, the night is cool. Lovely to be walking outdoors. Hope you are feeling better already. Can't wait for tomorrow too. Sleep tight! :)
jomel: goodness! WHY ARE YOU NOT ASLEEP?! How on earth are you going to wake up and meet me in time tmrw?! go to bed!
Lol! Yes ma'am.. In bed now! Kikare will pull me out from under the duvet, if necessary...
why are you BOTH not in bed!! haha.
tuti: heh. i don't need that much sleep. i shan't reply to jomel. very strange when she's sitting beside me. hahaha.
haha!!! so fun so girl pyjama partay like!! wheeee! *throws a virtual pillow*
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