Friday, November 05, 2010

I Love Marmite

Headed to the malls and hopped straight into the kitchen electricals section. We had things to buy- appliances from Russell Hobbs. We've been told that it has to be this brand and nothing else.

For an apparently popular brand, the range available at the malls is ridiculously pathetic. As always, it's much easier to order online where the full range of products are just a click away. It's effortless. So I did exactly that. Now, I rub my hands in glee, awaiting delivery.

Anyway, at Selfridges, we got distracted by the Marmite products. There were all sorts of things Marmite- chocolate, cookies, chips, rice cakes and whatnots. For a lark, we got some as pressies for the friends. Then there were toasters, sandwich boxes, tees and all! So fun! There were very cool onesies for newborns too. The material used for the Marmite tees was decent. So I got 2. Heh.

The best part of being at Selfridges was checking out the mini exhibition 'Anticipation' at the basement. We didn't know that there was something happening. We chanced upon it while at HMV stocking up on cheap blu-ray dvds. We spent a good 30 minutes at the space browsing through the artworks and installations. A very nice interlude in the middle of all the commercial bustle.


Jo said...

I love marmite too!!

Cavalock said...

Am more of a Brovil guy. ;)

imp said...

jomel: it's yummy!

cavalock: now Bovril doesn't contain any beef right?

Cavalock said...

Yah, now it's chicken brovil. Had the original beef brovil with almost every meal (as a 'soup') when I was growing up

imp said...

cavalock: see all the influences we had as a kid? i grew up with Marmite! heeee. so it stayed with me and i never developed a taste for Bovril.