Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Rather Pleasant Weather So Far

The last vestiges of autumn are still evident on the golden coats of the trees. I've arrived in London weeks earlier than planned. The Aunts' summons have been clear and incisive. They left me with no room to maneuver. They've sent the schedule for the next week. I'm apparently their 'slave' and will be put to task to pack boxes and the sorts in their little projects.

It's good that this trip also coincides with the man's work week in town. I left it to him to sort out the logistics. After all those work trips, my brain just want to shut down and not have to think about these details. I was so glad to clear customs very quickly and grab the luggage in less than 30 minutes after landing. It was quite a relief to have a very comfortable Beemer pick us from the airport and send us straight to the hotel. Seamless. Except for the part where we sat in a jam at a strange hour of 4pm, no thanks to the tube strikes which resulted in more cars on the road

Need I say anything more about the weather in Londontown? Nowhere have I conscientiously tote an umbrella everywhere. I don't do very well in cold weather. The suitcase is packed for a -4degreesC Londontown. Cashmere and wool rule the wardrobe. We've been warned how cold it was last week. The current weather is quite lovely. This week has stayed at about 16degreesC. Not bad at all.

There wasn't time to think about what to pack on this trip. The winter coats were already waiting for me in London. The daily wear was stuffed in one suitcase and essentially, I just brought it stock and dumped the toiletries bag within. I haven't really unpacked the suitcase this month. Heh. Whatever else, I'll buy from the shops here easy.


kachunknorge said...

Heading south myself to warmer climes for a long weekend :)

sinlady said...

whatever the mission your aunt needs for you to do, i know you will execute it well. take care of yourself too ya?

imp said...

kachunknorge: how far south are you heading?

sinlady: i will be okay! :)