Friday, July 15, 2011

A Morning Run

A glass of apple juice and a banana, then it was off to the Botanics for an early morning run with the girlfriend and her 2 big dogs.

I haven't owned a pair of running shoes for years. Neither have I run in almost 2 decades since I was 15. Those school mainstream PE classes were boring and stupid. I skipped all and got a permanent medical certificate to excuse myself from all physical activities in school all the way through junior college. Best. While I carried on with my other more fun external options like figure skating and gymnastics. HA.

Parkour made me realize that I'm seriously weak in my running. Executing the jumps isn't difficult, but I lack the pick-up and sometimes, the height because the fitness level for the speed doesn't seem to be there. I probably need to do short spurts weekly. Nothing marathon-y. Just a 3km to 5km puke-all-collapse-after on a weekly basis for 3 months should suffice. I don't like running very much.

Girlfriend runs in Vibrams. I did too. Muzzled, the dogs clearly liked running and definitely looked more enthusiastic about it than a poker-faced me. Actually, they paced me all the way, but decided to sit with me when I stopped at the 3-km mark. My heart was ready to jump out of the ribcage. Burning. Thighs itched crazily. First run in decades, yo! The girlfriend couldn't convince me to run 5km. I was adamant that I would die from exhaustion.

3km is enough. 18 minutes 23 seconds. I think it's quite decent.

The dogs obviously didn't think the timing was that fabulous. I could have sworn that they grinned at my slow-poke pace. Faster faster, they seemed to have said when they ran alongside. Grrrrrrr. I guess they're pretty used to a 5-km run on a daily basis.

Then it was back to the girlfriend's house for a light breakfast of thosai and vadai, followed by a good brew of flat white.


Dawn said...

*clap* *Clap* Vibrams are great to run in right?

BTW, why is there a photo of vadai next to this post? :)

sinlady said...

i was going to ask about the photo too!
also to say your run, first in nearly 2 decades, and the fact you never liked running, is commendable!
you are one determined woman!

sinlady said...

erh, make that respectable, rather than commendable.
erh, make it both respectable and commendable.

imp said...

dawn + sinlady: amended the post slightly for you both! i had vadai for breakfast, that's why!

sinlady: i need to at least try, to know where i stand on the fitness scale! :D

Anonymous said...

wah, very hot already reading your run. the weather these days.
and yes, very commendable. (kopi-cat statement)

coboypb said...

I think you did well too :)

imp said...

tuti: we ran at 7am. was quite cool! not so bad!

coboypb: :D

Lady J said...

I would have just keel over and faint after 1km! You are good! Honestly,, Sparky can outrun me anytime! Hehe

imp said...

ladyJ: i must get churn up the fitness ladder1