Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Bubbles was finally hungry. We sat down for her dinner of pasta. The spaghetti and sauce must be served in separate bowls. This girl doesn't like her food mixed up. She could easily eat on her own. But when I'm around, she oddly wants me to feed her. Like tonight. So okay. A spoonful of spaghetti, followed by a spoonful of sauce.

Suddenly the little girl said, "There's a man eating spaghetti too. He wants more. In the video." After going huh, I realized she was talking about Grover asking for more spaghetti. Ahhh. "Can I watch it please?" Normally, I'm not supportive of children eating in front of the TV or watching videos on an iPad. But hey, often, I'm guilty of it too. Plus today, she seemed intent on finishing her food. So I continued feeding her for a bit, till she had eaten slightly more than half of the portions, then went to get the iPad. She was immensely thrilled by the video, for dunno what reason. She watched that twice in this sitting. She didn't want to watch any other video. Obediently, she polished off everything in the bowls and drank her water. For a girl who eats to live, Corsage and I view this meal as a good 'victory'!

Bubbles waited for me to clear the bowls, then siddled up to ask to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Grrrrr. Her parents haven't caved to getting an iPad. Good for them! But she has learnt really fast that I always seem to be carrying one, and if she asks nicely, there's a 90% chance I'd agree to let her watch videos on the iPad. Likewise, tonight, I agreed. She smiled brightly. Out of the blue, she asserted, and I quote, "I don't know what I will do without Youtube."

I sputtered. What the?! You're 2.5 years old. What do you know about life without Youtube??? I was completely floored by that line. You can do plenty without Youtube, my dear. Well, girl, you're sorta spot on about the news that Apple is expelling Youtube out of its iOS. We'd just have to go to the mobile site or download an app. The girl cleverly picked the longest running MMCH video- 'Donald and the Beanstalk'. 24 minutes! That sucked up all her video quota (arbitrarily set by yours truly) for the day, and busted it even. o_O


lilsnooze said...

LOL. Once upon a time and at times currently, Nat is like that - youtube is his best friend. From one video hops to another.

Thankfully I got that habit out of the system for awhile! Now it's netflix. boo.

imp said...

lilsnooze: heh. I'm addicted to netflix! All the b-grade movies! Ha. How to tell the children not to watch when all we want to do is to slouch in front of the screen ourselves? :P