Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Farewell Lunch

The team wanted to have a farewell lunch for me. Thought we'd grab dishes from the popular zi char stall near the office and sit around for a chat and some laughter. But no. They wanted to get out and makan. Kintamani it was.

Am still a little stunned because this team isn't the type to go out and spend more than necessary on a special meal. Meals are utilitarian, not an event. Am touched. I'm just a temp. Felt guilty too because if the haze had been as choking as last week's, it wouldn't be fair to expect everyone to head out, masked or otherwise. As it is, some of the colleagues sound hugely nasal (and pained) from respiratory infections.

Kinda miss the food at Kintamani. Not so much about it being fabulous or anything; I generally like spices. It's just an in-joke about Kintamani and Carousel and Straits Kitchen; because of the frequency of our visits for work purposes, these restaurants have been affectionately termed as our 'canteens'. Heeeee. Nice to sit down and makan with another set of colleagues.

Time to compose that short farewell note to the team.

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