Monday, August 05, 2013

'Texas Is The Reason'

Now, this is the reason why we even hit up London at all. It was like an impromptu, "Let's do it!" The man really really really likes Texas Is The Reason. Hopped into Electric Ballroom at grungy Camden Town for the gig.

A short gig though, for a band this established. But they've got very little songs. They played slightly over an hour. They're one of the definitive edgy hardcore bands of the 90s. They kinda break up all the time, got back together twice so far for 'reunion gigs', and this third time for a UK tour with apparently never-before-released songs...that will be erm their "final songs ever". I'm like.... okay ...whatever... They're good, but post-hardcore's not really my thing. It's kinda, emo-rock circa 90s.

You'll just have to imagine the band on stage. Only took a photo during the setting up. Didn't carry a proper camera and when the band got on, the inconsiderate gig-goers waved, shoved and jumped and moshed; no space or time to hold up any gadget without having it knocked out of your hands. We didn't even bother holding beers.

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