Saturday, September 07, 2013

Shopping For Chairs And Whatnot

Renovating living spaces would mean lots of big ticket purchases too. The girlfriends are suddenly in this mood to shop for ideas and buy furniture. And Ikea just wouldn't do, except for their storage boxes and trays.

The girlfriends have been on the prowl for statement pieces and quirky items in far flung corners of the island. E was looking for mismatched chairs in odd colors and patterns to complement the other mismatched yet-to-be-bought furniture. There's one specific upright chair which would be used for the purpose of playing the cello. It meant that it had to be of a certain height suited to the player's body, with sufficient cushioning on the seat in order to play for hours.

Popped into Restore Living for breakfast. Scanned the menu and ordered the only savory item on it. Baked egg-something with mushrooms. The rest were kinda sweet stuff that I'm not fond of, especially not for my first meal of the day. Easy food, because it's a store that isn't essentially equipped to be a restaurant. But I liked how they took the trouble, and initiative to clarify that their orange juice wasn't freshly squeezed and was instead, a concentrate. I appreciate gestures like that.

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