Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Hey Hong Kong, Hello Yin Yang!

An appetizer named 'Autumn Wild', comprising the best of the season.
Loved the eggplant and stuffed chillies. 

The one private kitchen that I must dine at whenever I'm in Hong Kong with some time to spare, is dear Margaret Xu's Yin Yang (鴛鴦). This trip is no different. In fact, that's the first restaurant I confirmed the reservations for a few meals. My entire schedule can work around those meals. :P

I love Margaret Xu's interpretation of Hong Kong cuisine and dedication to using local fresh produce, and healthy cooking as much as possible. It's traditional, yet creative. Love the blend of flavors in her dishes. Till today, she sticks by her 'reservations only' policy. Fair enough- the kitchen needs time to prep the food. She still sources her produce from her farm in Yuen Long, and other local farms. She's most happy to customize her dishes to the table's preferences too.

The menu was gigantic. We had to go really easy on lunch and take a trek to the island before returning for a shower and change into clean clothes for dinner, just to work up a appetite for the food at Yin Yang. Totally worth it. Go in a group of four if you can. That's the best number at a table to savor a variety of dishes. There's usually chicken or beef, crab, pork and fish. A full range of meats to showcase the best of Hong Kong food, if you will.

Giggled at her 'Typhoon Crab Remix'. We've been brought to two apparently pretty good restaurants serving up typhoon shelter crabs. But we couldn't appreciate those. We love Margaret Xu's version. It's da awesome. Her de rigeur 'Soup Without Water' this round was a chicken soup of sorts. An extract from all that chicken used. It was surprisingly not too chicken-ny. I love her 'Iron Pot Rice'. Yes it comes in an iron pot. Savory. With olives and vegetables. It's so simple and sooo good. That's the last item on the menu, and I will make space to stuff a bowl of rice. I do love my carbs, and this round in Hong Kong, I've plenty of time to work off all the carbs consumed. Heh.

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