Friday, January 05, 2018

Mutta Dosai & Chutney!

When the friends kept raving about how wonderful that dosai or thosai is from the stall at the coffeeshop round the corner from their home, the man and I just had to try it too. Well, more of the matter that good dosai that could also be found elsewhere, but the stall serves up fantastic curries and chutney. It's one of those stalls that churn out good food, but we won't get to eat at unless the friends mention them because it's all located in their neighborhoods. The only drawback, the stall only opens in the morning and tends to sell out by 10am.

"No fear, we'll go tapau it! Come over and have breakfast." The friends promised. Okaaaay. Yay! We finally could taste it. Bright and early one rainy morning, we turned up at their home at nine o'clock. Hahahahah. They had woken up even earlier, and had gone out to get all the food, including vadai. Not soggy at all since the stall is literally 10 minutes away from their dining table.

The dosai was indeed fabulous. Mine came with an egg, as a mutta dosai. I could only squeeze in one piece. All carbs leh! Luckily I had the rest of the day to burn them off. The stall generously provided tubs of tomato chutney, coconut chutney, fish curry, and dhaal. Mopped them up with the carbs. Those chutney and curries were indeed glorious. Presents that come in the form of food and friendship, like this, are a great idea. Aye aye! What a treat from the friends!

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