Thursday, August 30, 2018


Happiness is sitting down to dinner with J after a looong week. Suju at Mandarin Gallery is where we usually head to for comfort food. After a whole week of rushed meals that comprised mainly sad salads and sandwiches, I couldn't wait for dinner! Was so eager for 7pm to roll around.

I was really hungry and was pleased to have cold tofu and beautifully steamed rice and fish. I always finish up every grain of rice at Suju. The restaurant hasn't stinged on the quality of its rice all these years. The pile of negitoro was pretty decent. J loves the food here too, and was pleased that she got her pork and rice fix. The food totally hit a spot. Two very happy tummies.

At some point, I might have influenced J to pick up more than water or tea at the evening meal. HAHAHAHA. Of late, she has been pretty receptive to having a glass of umeshu, sparkling yuzu shochu something or whatever that's chilled, light and refreshing. Tonight, I didn't mind sipping something a little sweeter, and asked for a glass of kokuto umeshu (黒糖梅酒) on the rocks. J piped up, "Me too please!" Say whuuut. Teeeheheheheh.


jo said...

Heeeee. A little tipple goes a long way! And we haven’t got to the sake yet! Lol.

imp said...

We can slowly get to sake lah. The others are bubbly and easy!