Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Welcome | ยินดีต้อนรับ

When the girlfriend handed me her gift, I actually stared at it for a good five seconds before realizing what it said. Hahahaha. Brain wasn't thinking in Thai lah, plus the cutesy font threw me off. I can now hang it up and shift it randomly around the flat.

I used to cringe when people buy me gifts and accessories for the home or the kitchen. These aren’t something I welcome unless you’re a close friend who knows what I use and what I can use. Importantly, when a kitchen isn’t mine (layout and organization and choice of utensils, etc) or the decor of the home isn’t something I have control over, then I basically don’t give a hoot about either. I simply avoid utilizing the kitchen and ignore everything to do with the decor. When the kitchen is mine, I’m even more anal about what goes into the cabinets. Storage space is premium, and limited. I dislike clutter. I don’t buy and keep items or appliances without figuring out a good use for them. If I don’t use them within three months, they go into the recycling bin.

I don’t like knick knacks and decorative items. I don’t even like displaying human photos in photo frames. But some gifts like this wood sign, I don’t mind. I have one wooden plaque that has 'Welcome' printed in Japanese too; it reads "ようこそ" (yokoso). I shall switch that around with this one.

Welcome | ยินดีต้อนรับ


Cavalock said...

Congrats on the new pad!

imp said...

thankyooou! when we get the hang of the kitchen and such, come over with Baker-At-Home for a snack! (we can't bake breads or cakes though... :P)

Liverella said...

Have fun with your new kitchen... we will see more #impcooks posts??? Hehehe...


imp said...

thanks Liv! teehehehe. i'd probably cook more! but nothing too elaborate since the washing up will be crazy. oof.