Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Easy Meals At Home

It's such a breeze to cook in this kitchen that it's almost effort-less to prep breakfast and dinner here. Avocados, eggs, tomato salsa and such form the man's staple hot breakfast items. Anything else goes for dinner, depending on whose turn it is in the kitchen.

The man has cleverly allocated two weekdays for me to sort out dinners. Weekends are a toss-up, depending who's in the mood to cook. He knows I'll cook light stuff for myself anyway, so he asks for his portions too. Bleah. On days when I get home at 6pm, it means I have exactly 90 minutes to prep, cook and put dinner on the table. Steamed eggs with minced pork, steamed fish fillets, whatever stir-fry vegetables. These are what I call my 'default food'- easy dishes that I can whip up in 45 minutes with minimum fuss and grease. However, brown rice does take 50 minutes in the cooker. If you ask me about the recipes, I'm just going to laugh. I don't cook with any. At most, I glance at the internet and improvise.

As much as we love Cantonese soups, we don't need to have it every other day. Once or twice a week is fine. Cool rainy evenings are perfect for soups. Whatever type of soup it is, it has to complement the meal. Fish soup takes extra effort to cook though. The BFF has staked her permanent claim of one bowl when I boil soups. She loves soups, but I have no idea why she actually likes mine. I'm not sure if I'm flattered. 🤔

The other night, the man requested for steamed barramundi (fish of the month!) with lime and chilli, Thai style. Luckily for him, I usually have a ton of chilli, lime, blue ginger and lemongrass in the fridge, and could easily do that. These stems form the base of the spicy tangy broth the fish sits in. I'm not very fond of adding sugar to this mix and try to minimize it. I'd rather adjust the flavors with onions. And my broth tends to be fiery. Thankfully, the ratios have been okay and the steaming broth Thai-style has been turning out decent. #ImpieCooks2018

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