Friday, November 30, 2018

Guinness The Golden Ale

Joined the friends for The Great Grill Out organized by Guinness. Hadn't come to one of these cookouts in a while. The event began at noon on both days; we went in the evening, and the erratic weather thankfully held. It was such a pleasure sitting outdoors under the clear night sky. The music was terrible; we suffered one hour of bad singing, out-of-pitch songs and terrible drumming. The violinist was good though. We tried to ignore it and talked really loud.

We didn't have to grill our own food. We paid. Hahaha. There were plenty of meaty choices offered by Artichoke, Red Eye Smokehouse, Camp Kilo Charcoal Club, and Decker Barbecue. All meats, and a few types of grilled bread and cheese. I didn't actually go there for dinner. This much meat would give me terrible indigestion. I ate a light dinner of soup and bread first before strolling over to party venue on Emily Hill. It was actually on the grounds of Kult Kafe lah. Dunno why the event refused to name the venue, and simply said '11 Upper Wilkie Road' and 'Emily Hill'. It doesn't hurt the branding! DUHHHHH.

Guinness Dublin had set up a bar run by their own Open Gate Brewery, offering their new beers to the crowd. However, they came in bottles instead of draughts. Can lah! We decided to start 'light'. So it came to pass that all our first drink of the night wasn't a Guinness stout. HAHAHAHAH.

I was pleasantly surprised by Guinness Rye Pale Ale. Not too bad. Not hoppy. I don't really fancy hoppy beers. My winner for the night was Guinness Golden Ale. I loved it! It wasn't a bubbly light golden ale as I had assumed. It had more punch and tasted closer to a brown, and wasn't hoppy. Quite delicious. I nibbled from the friends' plates. Literally bird-sized bites. Oof! I was all about the alcohol, and of course a final one for the road Guinness Stout. Ha! Four pints more than filled me up nicely for the night.

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