Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cookies for The Man's 44th

You know I'm not keen on desserts, cakes or baking. The last time I attempted baking anything was in 2007 when the man was so tickled by my cookies in a muffin tray that he called them 'mookies'. So I bravely thought I would bake him a small batch of cookies for his 44th birthday in 2019.

The recipe said it made 12 cookies. Perfect. When I scanned through recipes for dark chocolate cookies, I knew that the mixing was going to take some effort. I don't own an electric mixer and I don't intend to get one. Whipping the ingredients to produce 12 cookies sounded do-able.

Had to raid the girlfriend's larder for some baking supplies. Stole flour, cocoa powder and caster sugar. I halved the amount of sugar. Added a wee bit of salt to the mixture before it went into the oven. STILL, when the baking smells wafted out, I puked. It isn't just nausea. It's a straight-up stomach churn that I can't control. There's something about the smell of flour and butter and sugar heating up (like those smells of waffles or pancakes) that sends me to hurl up all stomach contents within 10 minutes. UGH. At least this round, I only puked once in the 20 minutes that the cookies were baking in the oven. I wouldn't be baking again for a long time to come. It's an unenjoyable activity.

I didn't bother using any moulds. Smashed them into little lumps. Almost adorable. Hahahah. The cookies stayed as mishapened lumps, but after they cooled, they were hard and crunchy as cookies should be. They didn't turn out half bad. It tasted fine. Hahahha. They just looked ugly. The man didn't mind the cookies at all. Hahaha. He ate one upon arrival at home, after being fully fed on the plane. He would take one cookie a day to satisfy his sweet tooth.

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