Thursday, July 25, 2019

Still On The Exercises

My gym schedule hasn't been thrown out of whack with the addition of a dog. I've never been morning person at the gym, so I certainly don't miss the 7.30am classes. Hahahaha. But with the gym shifting their class timings, I also had to do some adjustments to my schedule. Thankfully, I can still organize the week into two sessions of strength training and two more sessions for flexibility and mobility.

I'm not exactly sure that walking the dog twice a day helps; they certainly don't replace intentional HIIT workouts. The perspiration is from the humidity and the heart rate doesn't even go up on walks. But clocking an average of 3.5km a day on walks is better than being sedentary. I thought I could use easy lace-ups for these walks, but they wear out too quickly. I didn't buy new shoes of course; these have been around for a while, and they can't withstand the rigors of daily walks and holes appeared pretty soon. I shall re-purpose a pair sports shoes then. Time to go shoe-shopping!

I still have my weak spots in how aches happen due to the curvature of the spine and usage of muscles. So the sessions of pilates and gyrotonic really help. They isolate the muscles and work the weaker ones that I tend to neglect in daily functions or even during night stretches. By now, I fully understand the differences between the two exercise methods. While gyro is beneficial too in terms of  aiding hip flexion and spinal rotation, I don't know if I'm motivated enough to continue with it. At least I can utilize the gym's group reformer classes to my purposes since I do know what I'm supposed to be stretching for the set exercises and could go deeper into them too, with a simple scoop or extension.

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