Friday, December 06, 2019

Hey Maya!

While I'm iffy about having dogs sleep over at my home, I've got no problems taking them for the day. Sleeping is tough because I really don't know what they would get up to. Also, Choya is a Shiba Inu who needs her solitude or she’ll be ridiculously grouchy. I do not want to wake up to whimpering and blood. Or a dead dog. Our home isn't so big as to comfortably contain two dogs in separate safe and secure areas while the humans sleep in the bedroom.

Maya's pawrents were busy for the day, and asked if we could baby-sit Maya. We bravely said yes. The man was enthusiastic because he was extremely curious about how Choya would behave with another dog in the house. Maya would be Choya's first visitor. Maya's pawrents have trained her well and socialized her with plenty of dogs. But none of us knew if she would get along with Choya in this setting. We could end up sending both girls to the vet at some point if one threw a tantrum and attacked the other. Well, it's good training for both dogs. The humans just gotta let them have a go at each other. I salute Maya's pawrents for not being scared off by the Shiba Inu's bad rep.

The ten-month-old Pomsky understood our house rules rather quickly. She decided to attach herself to me and kept looking to me for approval and direction. Okaaaay. We were all (and Maya's pawrents) wowed by how well the girls got on. Water bowls were easily shared, but they were possessive about food. They play so well together, running, chasing, grabbing, fangs and all. This sort of play isn't for faint-hearted dogs. Fangs snap and jaws close on snouts and limbs. Eioow. Truth be told, I was nervous af.

Took both girls out to Ginger and Bear's private sale at Chai Chee. It was lovely that dogs were allowed into the shopping space. Maya would obediently trot after Choya or chase after her. Maya comes immediately when called; she helped me out with training Choya on off-leash recall. When they played, we were stunned by how they would snatch toys, then trade and share. Wow. No spitefulness and no selfishness there. The humans were all very impressed. Gorgeous behavior, girls.

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