Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Coffee & Peanut Cookies

I haven't seen Jo for ages. We haven't given each other IRL hugs for over a decade! She lives only about 360 km away. But I don't have the habit to go to Malaysia at all, not even to Johor Bahru. (I haven't stepped into Malaysia since 2010.) With our schedules, it's virtually impossible to find a common time to meet in another city. I was so glad that she texted me when she hopped in to the city for two nights.

I honestly would rather not have friends visit during this period. It's not a matter of whether the ground situation is serious, but a matter of political administrative bureaucracy. When alert and crisis levels are flagged in a country, other countries will respond accordingly. Travel advisories are one thing. A travel ban is quite another. I don't want friends to visit, and kena a quarantine when they fly home. But Jo had scheduled meetings that didn't need to be canceled, so she braved our DORSCON-Orange city. She was also meeting a good friend whom she hadn't seen for a while, so she might as well come in and have fun, and wash her hands as often as we do now. Hahahah. She stayed near enough to me that she refused all offers of a pick-up, and merrily took a cab over to have a morning coffee. #LoveInTheTimeOfCOVID19

Jo came laden with presents for us. She had two toys for Choya. The dog knew and promptly came running when I took them out. Her eyes never left those toys as I snip the tags and gave them a wipe-down. I dunno how the dog knew those would be hers. So now she has a new favorite ball.

For the humans, these are presents which I super appreciate nowdays- a jar of ginger powder, spices to boil up tea leaf eggs and cook herbal chicken. I giggled at the antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizers. She had offered to buy more for me, but I didn't need them, still she insisted I took some. Okaaaay.

Jo is a fantastic cook and baker. She also brought over a small jar of homebaked peanut cookies. She knew I'm not into desserts, so she intentionally packed a small jar. Great! No wastage! They're beautifully crumbly, not that sweet (I only took two pieces), and they went great with an afternoon coffee. The man was pleased to have decent snacks. Hahaha. Thanks to all these friends, he isn't in short supply of superb homebaked items. Pfffft. Till our next coffee, dear Jo! xoxo

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