Thursday, February 20, 2020

My New Door Stopper!

Jo got Choya a new small 'tennis' ball from Kong that she immediately took to. She doesn't exactly play 'Fetch', but she carries it around like a security blanket. She alternates between the other black ball that she's had since she was a puppy. She also swops it for her other stuffies, mainly the starfish, which is like her best fweeend. Heh. I don't let her toy box get too full. At any one time, it doesn't hold more than six toys.

Grinned when I saw the second toy Jo bought. It's a rubber chew in size Large, which is too heavy for Choya to carry around or even lift it. However, it's perfect as a door stopper! The dog keeps stealing door stoppers and she took great fun in chewing the last one to bits. I had to place subsequent door stoppers on top of the shelf. If I forget to do that, it's dead before the end of the day.

That day, within seconds of me placing this new toy/door-stopper on the floor by the front door, Choya tried to steal this new one. Oh she did! She tried so hard. I was thoroughly tickled. I laughed and laughed. She couldn't even lift it! I don't know why I never thought of it before- to use doggie chew toys as a door stopper! These chew toys aren't toxic, and they're solidly-made; a Large size is usually heavy enough to deter the dog from taking it.

This rubber chew is exactly the right shape, weight and size to place by the front door. It fits perfectly into the door's angles when I pop out to water the plants or take delivery. It leaves it just a tad open, but not so wide till the dog can squeeze through. When workers come in to repair stuff in the flat, this gap is sufficient to let air in as well. It's such a wonderful door stopper. Hahahaha.


coboypb said...

So cute and effective! :)

imp said...

Heh, yeah!