Friday, February 21, 2020

Curry, Smore & Small Things

Went over to K and YQ's for a long overdue dinner date. K was all for trying out Eurasian Beef Smore and ayam lemak serani. He had a batch of rempah from his mom for the coconut curry, and thought a chicken coconut curry was in order. He also decided to do another dish of Smore and marinated the beef and pork for days. K could cook, and he did these two dishes really well. They were flavorful and rich. Wow!

There would be loads of spices going on, and the accompanying carbs didn't need to be heavily scented. Plain basmati rice would do fine, but the man decided to do biryani. We contributed a lightly-spiced pot of vegetarian (egg and potato) biryani. Thankfully the biryani complemented the Smore and ayam lemak serani. Gravy, curry and rice are an unbeatable combination. I had to rein in my monstrous appetite for carbs. Hahaha.

Importantly, our pets met and didn't fight with one another! HAHAHAHA. Sabbath, the black cat has never met a dog. The friends were rather enthralled by how chilled out Choya was the last time they saw her, so while they were curious as to how Sabbath would react to Choya, it was very brave and generous of them to include Choya in the invitation to dinner.

On our end, we know that Choya is highly interested in cats, but the community cats in our estate are defensive and wouldn't come near her, much less play with her. But we don’t know if she would pounce. This date was a great opportunity for her to be up close and personal with catos. The friends' other cat, Kate, the white Scottish Fold is generally unfriendly to all other animals. She doesn't even like her housemate/sister Sabbath! Those two have to be separated at all times. So we knew to be very careful when making introductions between Kate and Choya.

There was a bit of hissing going on when Kate met Choya. The dog didn't react much except to curiously sniff at Kate. When Kate was in her arms of her human, Choya's presence didn't bother her too much. Anyway Sabbath was outside with us, so Kate went back to the room and wasn't allowed to roam.

Sabbath was such a curious girl! When we walked in, Sabbath eyed Choya with great suspicion. She was all like, 'WOAH, WHAT IS THIS!' But there was no hissing, no raised haunches. She mustered enough courage to walk near the dog. We didn't force them to sit for a photo or anything. The little things were highly supervised. Must lah. Choya was still on a loose leash, Sabbath was free to strut around. She cautiously came closer to the sleeping dog who didn't really care or bother. Hahahaha. Most Chilled Dog Ever. Sabbath was definitely wary but not frightened of Choya. Yayyy! Humans were free to relax and sip copious amounts of G&Ts. First meeting of cats and dog in close proximity is a success!

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